
I'm a little cookie, yes i am and i was made by the cookie man and on my way from the cookie pan. a little piece broke off of me but i can taste just as good, uh-huh as a regular cookie can.((aisyaaahskhr))

LIFE // Friday 11 April 2014
Hey ppl. Time handball mssd haritu kan ((haritulah sangat)) kitorangkan from bsd2 kan for girls kan kalah :( hahaha so sad. But nvm at least our boys dapat number three wuhuuu. Happy tu ofc. And time boys lawan, kitorang bukan main semangat sorak dah macam cheerleader hihi \^^/ teacher haslinda la mulutt kalah kitorang haha. Time dorang main tu confirm ah ade yang takpuas hati kan bcause other sch suka main peluk peluk ew. Geli macam gay-ay –ayy.

Jaaap act aku nak cerita pasal lain hahaha tu la takbaca tajuk la ni! ha macamni........... time handball haritu teacher ade cerita something tentang couple couple ni. teacher macam cakap la yang couple ni boleh, nak couple? couple lah. tapi kalau korang dah besar nanti jangan cakap korang rindu zaman sekolah la, menyesal couple la. people nowadays kan semua macam bila single desperate gila nak couple macam kalau single tu boleh mam pus awal liddat, lepastu bila kena game or being cheated on then baru la nak menyesal((sekejap)) then repeat balik benda sama, typical teenagers.

tak bosan ke bila buat macam tu? ya memang bagi some people best couple ni sebab taksunyi ape semua but still, sanggup ke asyik heart broken? lol. and sometimes tu ade yang lupa kawan sebab dah ade bf, bila break baru cari kawan. fake friends. ya ah bila korang dah ade bf mesti ah nak buat everything semua cannot. kena control. bila masa nak have fun? this is yr teenage life. enjoy it! nanti bila dah besar jangan kata menyesal pula. we live in the present, and we cannot go back to past or future.

and others, how can someone boleh couple without friends support? yr friends is no.1 or yr bf? your relationship maybe will not stay long lasting but yr friendship will stay. but still nak utamakan yr bf. lol. yr friends akan nampak everything, buruk baik bf kau, and will judge. bila kawan kau cakap suruh break so break. maybe he is not the best one for you. kawan kau bukan dengki with yr relationship but this is fr yr happiness. yr friends maybe taknak tengok kau heartbroken sedih. tolonglah faham. yr friends is more important sayang.

appreciate yr friends. sebab bila kau dah break, first people that you will find is? yr friends juga, bila kau sedih kau cari kawan. jangan bila kau happy ape semua tak ingat kawan ;))) come on lah!

- // Sunday 23 March 2014
you may have 3000+ friends in fb or maybe 3000+ followers in twitter, insta but is there have one people who rather hear yr problems? share yr secret with? understanding what you feel? love you as you do? know you well? not backstabbing you? miss you as you miss them? i think not and you still proud with it? or maybe you still blind. they are all useless. in 10 people who love you there will always only 1 who truly love you and others is fake. maybe they acting to love you or maybe being close to you for a reason. nowadays friends is all fake. its hard to find the one friend who always be there for you, understand you well,  love you and will always miss you. maybe you think it sound lesboo a bit but that is what best friend use to be. not only in the happiest time but also in the saddest part. she will not get bored of you, and she will not leave you when she met a new person in her life as your boyfriend did and she will also not ignored you eventho she have a boyfriend. maybe she not telling you that you was her best friend but she did. you will know it by her way. she will be the craziest one when you with her, the weirdo one and she will be the quiet one when she with her friend because their friends is not the special one as you are. you dont need to find her, she will come when its the right time. appreciate someone who accept all yr flaws or you will regret it someday. and i have found mine.

you may have 3000+ friends in fb or maybe 3000+ followers in twitter, insta but is there have one people who rather hear yr problems? share yr secret with? understanding what you feel? love you as you do? know you well? not cheating on you? miss you as you miss him? i think not and you still proud with it? or maybe you still blind. they are all useless. in 10 people who love you there will always only 1 who truly love you and others is fake. maybe they acting to love you or maybe being close to you for a reason. nowadays boy is all fake. i mean they only love you because you are too inexpensive. its hard to find the one boy who always be there for you, understand you well,  love you and will always miss you. maybe you think it sound like desperate a bit but that is what you feel. isnt it true? not only in the happiest time but also in the saddest part. he will not get bored of you, and he will not leave you when he met a new person in his life as your fake friends did and he will also not ignored you eventho he with his friends. maybe he not telling you that you was his crush but he did. you will know it by his way. he will not chase, flirt, not keep a secret, lie, cheat, or have a girl bestfriend because he was deeply in love with the special one and its you. you dont need to find him, he will come when its the right time. someone who willing to love you so much to the moon and back. appreciate someone who accept all yr flaws or you will regret it someday.